Song of the Week

This week's song of the week is Stay The Night by Zedd featuring Hayley Williams of Paramore. Thanks to two of my friends from home this song is stuck in my head. This is a nice follow up for Zedd after Clarity. I'm in love with Hayley's voice. I'm so excited to see Paramore in November. I usually don't like a video as much as I like a song but this time that wasn't the case. I love dance, so the choreography in this video was everything for me. Everything was beautifully shot and the effects fit the video What was your favorite song this week? Any music recommendations for me?

She Lives!

Hey gals & guys! I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. This semester has been keeping me busy. Just wanted to give you a little update on my life and let you know that I will be posting more consistently. 
Moved Into My Apartment
This year is my first year living off campus! I moved into my apartment and everything has been going well. It took my mom and I four hours to build my bed, which we got from IKEA.( I LOVE IKEA!) I'll show you pictures of my decorating in a later post. I live with two friends and it's been nice so far. I'm slowly improving my cooking skills too. Thankfully, I have a commuter meal plan since I have two night classes that require me to be on campus pretty much all day. 
Major Classes
This semester I'm taking three 400 level classes for my major and one 300 level, along with my last Gen. Ed. class. Junior year is no joke. Since I live of campus I'm always in the library between classes doing work or just wasting time. For example, last week I sat with my friend in the computer lab and watched the latest Legend of Korra episode. My Mass Media Graphics class is more fun than serious but it's still a lot of work. Photoshop and InDesign are tricky programs, especially since I'm a beginner. 
If I haven't told you guys yet I play on the club softball team at my school. We started practicing maybe third week into the semester because our games started so early this year. Since I'm on the exec board I have to attend meetings too. We won our first games against Loyola's club team 14-1 and 21-9. My October will be jam-packed will games. 

 Stay on the lookout for my next post! Thanks for reading lovely people and enjoy your Friday night! 

